Chipotle Chicken and bean tostadas with taquera salsa
Chipotle Chicken and bean tostadas with taquera salsa Recipe Chipotle Chicken and bean tostadas with taquera salsa is a delicious and flavorful dish...
Tacos Gobernador, a traditional Mexican dish with a modern twist, is a must-try for any taco lover. This delectable creation features succulent steak, caramelized onions, and La Costeña's flavorful Chipotles, all brought together in a mouthwatering blend of spices and seasonings. An addition of La Costeña's Taquera Salsa can add a kick of heat and tanginess, elevating the dish to a whole new level of deliciousness.
1 | In a pan over medium high heat add butter. |
2 | When the butter is completely melted add garlic, onion and bell peppers. |
3 | Mix and sauté for 3 minutes. |
4 | Add La Costeña Diced Chipotle Peppers and cooked shrimp. |
5 | Mix well and cook for 3 minutes. |
6 | In a different pan add olive oil and butter. |
7 | When butter is melted add tortilla and fry for 30 seconds on each side. |
8 | Add mozzarella cheese and a spoonful of shrimp mixture. Serve tacos and enjoy! |
Olive Oil |
Mozzarella cheese |
Bell pepper |
Garlic |
La Costeña diced chipotle peppers |
Onion |
Butter |
Corn tortillas |
1 lb. shrimp |
La Costeña Chipotle Peppers are a trendy and popular ingredient that has taken the culinary world by storm. Known for their smoky and spicy flavor, these peppers add a unique depth and complexity to any dish they are added to.
Shop Online NowStep into the flavorful world of Mexico Rico, brought to you straight from the kitchens of La Costeña. From the vibrant colors to the bold flavors, each dish tells a story of tradition and passion. Welcome to Mexico Rico, where every meal is a fiesta for your taste buds.
Chipotle Chicken and bean tostadas with taquera salsa Recipe Chipotle Chicken and bean tostadas with taquera salsa is a delicious and flavorful dish...
Governor Shrimp Tacos: An Exquisite Culinary Experience of Spices and Seafood Delight, where the vibrant flavors of the ocean meet the rich, aromatic...
Refried Bean Chipotle Cheese Dip, Indulge in the perfect combination of creamy refried beans, smoky chipotle peppers, and gooey melted cheese with...